Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Oh facebook, you're growing up so fast!

Close up view, friends of friends and networks is now an option

Your new options when you write post a status or link on facebook
 Plenty a key has been pounded on this story, the top story on techmeme right now, so I need not say too much about it. Facebook says they are making it easier to share with who you want. Business Insider thought the change was major enough to put out a guided tour of the changes.

and this: 

and this: 

There is just too much stuff out there for me to read and frankly, I don't think you should read all of that. You know what, just close this tab, go out, and play for a while. The changes at Facebook are major but it does not mean you have to drop everything you're doing to turn all the blue links above purple.

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