Thursday, November 11, 2010


The contents of this post are heavily derived from Hornback's Organic Chemistry (chapter 10 Synthetic uses of substitution and elimination reactions - Interconverting functional groups, starting at page 348).

SN1 mechanism has potential complications[1] so usually SN2 reactions are more commonly employed. Elimination reactions on the side decrease yield due to SN2 reactions. We can reduce elimination reactions to increase yield [2].

In short, there will be a lot of complications.

Preparations of

  1. alcohols 
  2. ethers 
  3. esters 
  4. alkyl halides 
  5. amines 
  6. hydrocarbons 
and more

[1] Loss of stereochemistry or rearrangement
[2] by minimizing steric hindrance at the reaction site and decreasing the basicity of the nucleophile.

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