Monday, June 13, 2011

Beginning HTML 5 (study notes)

Some notes: 

HTML 5 replaces HTML 4, XHTML 1.0, and DOM level 2. 

Doc types have been simplified and streamlined in HTML 5. All it takes is something simple like a meta tag with a charset attribute <meta charset="UTF-8" />. 

Web forms 2.0 is a part of HTML 5 now. More powerful forms are now a part of web forms with HTML 5. Email, search, and URL are now input field types. 

In addition to standard PUT and DELETE form methods, there are various integrated API s that deal with functionality such as audio, video, offline apps, editable documents, drag and drop, history, and protocols. Geolocation and messaging have their own specification though. 

New structural tags 

Section tag: A thematic grouping of content, usually with a heading. Examples include chapters or product descriptions. Do not confuse with styling groups, that is if you need a group of elements to look visually similar but are not based on the same theme, use a div tag instead. 

Article tag: It represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site intended to be independently distributable or reusable. Examples include news articles, blog posts, and forum entries. 

Aside tag: Content tangentially related but separate from the main article. A sidebar needs to be in the same section as the article that it relates to. It is not always about sidebar contents. 

Header tag: Introductory or navigational aids. Can be used to wrap a section's table of contents, a search form, or logos as well. A document can have more than one headers if necessary. 

Hgroup tag: group a set of h1 through h6 elements. These are not required but help keep different header groups distinct. 

Footer tag: Footer for nearest ancestor sectioning content or sectioning root element. May contain information about author, links to related documents, copyright data and the like. I wonder how this relates to the aside tag as it seems that links to related documents are "tangentially related" to the article, aren't they? 

(more on this later) 

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